du 27/05/24
au 31/05/24

20th WCNDT 2024 - KOREA

The Organizing Committee of the 20th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (20th WCNDT) has made the difficult decision to postpone the conference after careful consideration and in close consultation with ICNDT. We strongly believe that under the current circumstances where travel restrictions remain in force, a postponement to May 2024 would ensure a most successful face-to-face conference program while facilitating as many delegates as possible to attend from around the world. We are not considering a virtual format as an option for the 20th WCNDT while the health and safety of everyone participating in the conference shall be the top priority.

The new conference dates:
27-31 May 2024
Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea
(The venue remains the same.)

We deeply regret any inconvenience caused by the change of dates. However, given the current worldwide situation with the COVID-19 pandemic being still fluid due to the problems such as the resurgence of new variants, there is considerable uncertainty regarding travels of foreign participants in May-June 2022.

The official website of the 20th WCNDT (www.20thwcndt.com) will be renovated and opened with a new schedule, a revised conference program, and other essential information as early as April 2022. Most importantly, all paid registrations, already accepted abstracts, and contracts for exhibition and sponsorship will remain valid for the new dates. The "Important Dates" will be updated in accordance with the new conference dates so that additional submission of abstracts will be possible. The "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" to check a few important facts about the 20th WCNDT will also be updated as early as January 2022.

We truly appreciate your patience, understanding and support over the years as the conference has been postponed several times and many details have changed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. At the same time, we hope that you would still be able to join us in spite of this schedule change. In this regard, we would like to cordially ask you for your continued interest and active participation.

We wish for your good health and look very much forward to seeing you all in May 2024.

All informaiton available on https://20thwcndt.com/