Dans le monde
Organisation Européenne - European Federation for Non Destructive Testing (EFNDT) www.efndt.org |
Regroupant l’ensemble des pays européens et plus d’une trentaine de pays internationaux, l’ICNDT (International Committee for Non Destructive Testing), soit le Comité International pour les Essais Non Destructifs) est l’organisme de référence des CND au niveau mondial. Ces principales missions sont similaires à celles de l'EFNDT. |
Voici la liste de tous les pays européens ayant des organismes nationaux homologues de la COFREND.
Attention, cette liste est indépendante de tout accord de reconnaissance de certification que la COFREND peut avoir avec certains organismes.
Allemagne - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungs freie Prüfung ( DGZfP) German Society for Nondestructive Testing - www.dgzfp.de |
Autriche - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (OGfZP) Austrian Society for Non Destructive Testing - www.oegfzp.at |
Belgique - Belgian Association of Non Destructive Testing (BANT) www.bant.be |
Biélorussie - Belorussian Association on Non Destructive Testing (BANDT & TD) www.bandt.basnet.by |
Bosnie Herzegovine - Bosnian and Herzegovinan Society of Non Destructive Testing (BHSNDT) | |
Bulgarie - Bulgarian Society for Non Destructive Testing (BgSNDT) | |
Croatie - Croatian Society of Non Destructive Testing (CrSNDT) Hrvatsko društvo za kontrolu bez razaranj - www.hdkbr.hr |
Danemark - Danish Society for Non Destructive Testing (DSNDT) www.dslsvejs.dk |
Espagne - Associacion Espanola de END (AEND) Spanish Association of Non Destructive Testing - www.aend.org |
Finlande - Finnish Society for Non Destructive Testing (FSNDT) | |
Grèce - Hellenic Society of Non Destructive Testing (HSNT) www.hsnt.gr |
Hongrie - Hungarian Association for Non Destructive Testing (HANT) www.marovisz.hu |
Irlande - Irish Institut of Welding & Engineering Inspection (IIWEI) | |
Italie - Associazione Italiana Prove Non Distruttive (AIPND) Italian Society for Non Destructive Testing - www.aipnd.it |
Lettonie - Latvian Society for NDT (LSNDT) | |
Lituanie - Lietuvos Neardomųjų Bandymų ir techninės Diagnostikos draugija (LNBD) Lithuanian Society for NDT and Technical Diagnostics - www.lnbd.lt/ |
Moldavie - Moldavian Society on NDT & Technical Diagnostics (ATND) www.ndt.md |
Norvège - Norwegian Society for NDT (NSNDT) Norsk Forening for Ikke-destruktiv Proving - www.ndt.no |
Pays-Bas - Nederlandse vereniging voor Kwaliteitstoezicht, Inspectie en Niet-destructieve Techniek (KINT) Quality Surveillance and on-destructive Testing Society - www.kint.nl |
Pologne - Polskie Towarzystwo Badań Nieniszczących i Diagnostyki Technicznej (PTBNIDT). Polish Society for Non Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostic - http://ptbnidt.pl | |
Portugal - RELACRE Associacao de Laboratorios Acreditados de Portugal (FSEND-RELACRE) http://relacre.formare.pt/portal/ |
République Tchèque - Czech Society for Non Destructive Testing (CSNDT) www.cndt.cz |
Roumanie - Asociatia Romana de Examinari Nedistructive (ARoENd) Romanian Association of Non-Destructive Testing - www.aroend.ro |
Royaume-Uni - British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) www.bindt.org |
Serbie - Serbian Society of Non Destructive Testing (SDIBR) | |
Slovaquie - Slovak Society for Non Destructive Testing (SSNDT) www.ssndt.sk |
Slovénie - Slovenian Society for NDT (SSNDT) c/o Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Ljubljana | |
Suède - Föreningen för Oförstörande Provning (FOP) Swedish Society for NDT - www.ndtsweden.com |
Suisse - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (SGZP) www.sgzp.ch |
Ukraine - Ukrainian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (USNDT) www.usndt.com.ua |
Afrique du Sud - South African Institute for NDT (SAINT) www.saint.org.za | |
Argentine - Asociación Argentina de Ensayos No Destructivos y Estructurales (AAENDE) Argentine Association for Non-Destructive Testing - www.aaende.org.ar |
Australie - Australian Institut for Non Destructive Testing (AINDT) www.aindt.com.au |
Bangladesh - Bangladesh Society for Non Destructive Testing (BSNDT) | |
Brésil - Associação Brasoleira de Ensaios Não DEstuctivos (ABENDE) Brazilian Society for NDT - www.abende.org.br |
Canada - Canadian Institute for Non Destructive Examination (CINDE) |
Chine - Chinese Society for Non Destructive Testing (ChSNDT) www.chsndt.com |
Colombie - Instituto Colombiano de Normativa Tecnicas y Certification (ICNTC) www.icontec.org |
Corée - Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing (KSNT) www.ksnt.or.kr |
Costa Rica - National Committee for Non Destructive Testing (ChSNDT) | |
Egypte - Egyptian Society for Industrial Inspection (ESII) | |
Equateur - EScuela POlitecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) www.espol.edu.ec |
Etats-Unis - American Society for NDT (ASNT) www.asnt.org |
Inde - Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT) www.isnt.org.in |
Israël - ISRAeli society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISRANDT) | |
Japon - Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection (JSNDI) www.jsndi.jp |
Kenya - Non-Destructive Testing Society of Kenya (NDTK) www.ndtk.co.ke |
Liban - Industrial Research Institute (IRI) www.iriweb.org |
Malaisie - Malaysian Society for NDT (MSNT) www.msnt.org.my |
Maroc - Confédération Marocaine pour les Essais Non Destructifs (COMEND) |
Mexique - Instituto Mexicano De Ensayos No Destructivos A.C. (IMENDE) www.imende.com |
Mongolie - Mongolian Society for NDT (MSNDT) | |
Nigéria - Nigerian Society for NDT (NSNDT) | |
Nouvelle Zélande - New Zealand Nondestructive Testing Association Inc (NZNDTA) www.ndta.org.nz |
Pakistan - PAkistan Society for NDT (PASNT) www.paec.gov.pk/ncndt |
Philippines - Philippine Society for NDT (PSNDT) www.psnt-ndt.org |
Singapour - Non Destructing Testing Society Singapore (NDTSS) www.ndtss.org.sg |
Sri Lanka - Society for Non Destructive Testing (SNDT) | |
Soudan - Sudanese Society for Non-Destructive Testing (SSNDT) | |
Taiwan - Nondestructive Testing Society of China-Taipei (SNTCT) www.snt.org.tw |
Tunisie - Tunisian Committee for NDT (COTEND) www.cetime.ind.tn |
Turquie - Turkish Society for Non Destructive Testing (TurkNDT) www.turkndt.org |
Russie - Russian Society for NDT and Technical Diagnostic (RSNDTT) www.rsnttd.ru |
Uruguay - Asociación Uruguaya de Ensayos No Destructivos (AENDUR) www.aendur.ancap.com.uy |
Venezuela - Asociación Venezolana de Ensayos No Destructivos (ASOVEND) | |
Vietnam - Vietnam Association for NDT (VANDT) |