Le nouveau comité sectoriel Génie civil créé en 2020 par la COFREND couvre le secteur de la construction (bâtiment et infrastructures d’ouvrages d’art) en béton armé (BA) et/ou précontraint (BP). LEARN MORE
Le nouveau comité sectoriel Génie civil créé en 2020 par la COFREND couvre le secteur de la construction (bâtiment et infrastructures d’ouvrages d’art) en béton armé (BA) et/ou précontraint (BP). LEARN MORE
CIFM has the task of organising, applying and monitoring the COFREND certification, according to standard ISO 9712, of level 1, 2 and 3 non-destructive testing operators. LEARN MORE
Non-destructive testing applied in railway maintenance to find degradation inherent to the operation, modification or conversion of equipment and the infrastructure. FIND OUT MORE LEARN MORE
CCPM is in charge of organising, applying and monitoring the COFREND certification, according to standard EN ISO 9712, of level 1, 2 and 3 non-destructive testing operators. LEARN MORE
COSAC looks after the organisation, application and monitoring of the qualification/certification of the aerospace industry, according to standard EN 4179/NAS 410, and level 1, 2 and 3 non-destructive testing operators. FIND OUT MORE LEARN MORE